Duque de Caxias Unit trains new professionals in the logistics area

With the aim of inserting socially vulnerable young people and adults into the job market, on September 14th, we started 2 classes with 50 students, divided into afternoon and night shifts.

The courses offered are “Planejando o Futuro” in partnership with Senac and “Introduction to Logistics Operations” given by professors Pedro Jorge Guimarães and Victor Adriano Tavares.

The courses were concluded on the 28th of September. Idebra sent the students’ curricula to ID Logístics, the Project’s sponsor, to be analyzed and those selected may be hired by Amazon, ID Logistics’ new operation in São João de Meriti – Rio de Janeiro.

Class 1 – Courses: Planning for the Future and Introduction to Logistics Operations

IDEBRA is a Civil Society Organization focused on training the Brazilian youth since 2005, based in Duque de Caxias/RJ.