With the mission of training young people and adolescents in situations of social vulnerability, the Institute of Development Hope Brazil (IDEBRA) announces the opening of registrations for professional training in logistics in Duque de Caxias/RJ, Extrema/MG, São Paulo/SP, and Sete Lagoas/ MG.

The courses aim to provide students with theoretical and practical knowledge to work in the area, expanding their opportunities in the job market. The initiative is part of IDEBRA’s efforts to promote the social and professional inclusion of these young people, contributing to the construction of a more just and egalitarian society.


Duque de Caxias/RJ

The headquarters of IDEBRA has a Hybrid Technical Assistant Course in Logistics. The training is organized in such a way as to provide participants with theoretical subsidies and practical application of fundamentals in the field of Logistics. The training contains a Basic Module lasting six weeks and a total workload of 120 hours and a Specific Module lasting fourteen weeks and a total workload of 280 hours. Totaling 400 hours of the total workload.

The teaching model will be in a hybrid format, divided into three days of face-to-face classes and two days of remote classes. Certified by CIEDS – Integrated Center for Sustainable Development Studies and Programs.

Classes take place from Monday to Friday from  1:30 pm to 5:30 pm.

Address: IDEBRA headquarters – Rua Mariz e Barros, 39 – Jardim Vinte e Cinco de Agosto. Duque de Caxias – RJ. CEP 25071-051


Professional Initiation in Logistics Operations, with a workload of eighty hours, the course introduces students to the logistics market reality, applying practical and theoretical experiences in the learning journey, it takes place in partnership with the National Service of Industrial Learning (SENAI), Legislative, and Executive.

Classes take place on Saturdays from 8 am to 5 pm

Address: Vila Rica Neighborhood Association – Praça Juvenal Crescente, Extrema/MG – CEP: 37640-000

São Paulo/SP

Training in Logistics Operator (Technical Logistics, Applied IT, and Behavioral Module)

With a workload of 210 hours, the course held in São Paulo is divided into Technical Logistics, with eight hours a week, Applied IT with three hours a week, and the Behavioral Module: Preparation for the world of work, with a dedication of three hours a week.

The training aims to present students with a systemic view of logistics operations. The course is held at the Institution Arca do Crescer located in the Vila Prudente/SP and takes place in partnership with Arca do Saber and the National Industrial Learning Service (SENAI).

Classes take place from Monday to Thursday from 6 pm to 10 pm

Address: Novavia Distribuidora, R. Dianópolis, 570 – Parque da Mooca, São Paulo – SP, 03125-100

Sete Lagoas/MG

The Sete Lagoas/MG unit has Professional Initiation training in Logistics Operations, with 100 hours of total hourly load, it is aimed at introducing the job market related to Logistics Operations. Includes basic concepts of logistics, warehousing procedures, purchasing and inventory management, and transportation management. It contains the Oratory Module, focused on the development of assertive communication, aiming to build the self-confidence of the assisted, and the Excel Module, aimed at the introduction and improvement of professional tools using the main resources of Microsoft Excel. Its certification is issued by SENAI.

Classes take place from Monday to Thursday from 6:30 pm to 10:30 pm

Address: SENAI Sete Lagoas Zerrenner Foundation. Av. Mayor Alberto Moura, 1115, Nossa Senhora do Carmo II, Sete Lagoas/MG, CEP: 35700-791

IDEBRA is a Civil Society Organization focused on training Brazilian youth since 2005, based in Duque de Caxias/RJ