Fourteen students enrolled in the Professional Initiation course in Administrative Assistant, offered by the Institute of Development Hope Brazil, participated in Multi Fetef, a multisectoral industrial fair in the south of Minas Gerais.

The event, which took place in the city of Extrema/MG, was organized by Sinduscon-Sul, SINMEC, SINALSUL, and SINIGRAF, with the support of FIEMG, CREA-MG and the local City Hall. This year, FETEF, in its 12th edition, took place in collaboration with Multisul-MG, marking the beginning of the first multisectoral industrial fair in the region.

The event’s primary mission was to provide the opportunity for companies of all sizes and sectors, from the smallest to the largest, to display their products and strengthen their brands in front of the vast audience present.

It is worth noting that ID Logistics, an institutional sponsor of IDEBRA, was also present at the event, further enriching the students’ experience.

The Administrative Assistant course offered by the Institute aims to develop essential skills to assist in tasks related to the administrative areas of various organizations and trains students through practical and theoretical knowledge to perform effectively in this field. With a total workload of 80 hours, the course is taught in the city of Extrema, at E.E. Odete Valadares, and its certification is carried out by SENAI – National Service for Industrial Learning.

Students’ participation in this event represents a valuable opportunity to broaden their horizons, acquire practical knowledge, and establish critical professional connections for the future. IDEBRA remains committed to offering enriching experiences that enable its students to face the challenges of the job market with confidence and solid skills.

IDEBRA is a Civil Society Organization focused on training Brazilian youth since 2005, based in Duque de Caxias/RJ