IDEBRA, in its incessant mission to promote social inclusion and professional training, welcomes the second half of 2023 with the opening of classes in its units, celebrating the beginning of a life-transforming journey and the creation of new opportunities for employment and income for its students.

Duque de Caxias/RJ

The Technical Assistant in Logistics course, composed of Basic and Specific modules in a hybrid format, opened 25 places for this semester, received 81 applications, and enrolled 26 students.

With a total workload of 400 hours, the course takes place from Monday to Friday, from 1:30 pm to 5:30 pm, at IDEBRA’s headquarters in Duque de Caxias/RJ. Certification is provided by CIEDS – Integrated Center for Sustainable Development Studies and Programs. [Inserir foto dos alunos]


The newest addition to IDEBRA’s educational curriculum, the Administrative Assistant course, takes place at the Extrema/MG unit. With a workload of 80 hours, the local team initially intended to offer 25 places, but demand exceeded expectations with 51 applications made and 31 students enrolled.

Classes take place on Saturdays, from 8 am to 5 pm, at E.E. Odete Valadares. Certification is granted by SENAI – National Industrial Learning Service.

São Paulo/SP

In the capital of São Paulo, the IDEBRA unit also opened the doors to the new Professional Initiation course in Administrative Assistant, which had 23 students enrolled. With a workload of 80 hours, classes take place from Monday to Thursday, from 6 pm to 10 pm, at Arca do Crescer in São Paulo/SP. Certification is granted by SENAI – National Industrial Learning Service.

Sete Lagoas/MG

The city of Minas Gerais started the Professional Initiation course in Logistics Operations, with modules in Public Speaking and Excel. With a forecast of 40 students, the demand was extraordinary, with 189 registrations and the enrollment of 40 students dedicated to expanding their skills.

Classes take place in the evening, from 6:30 pm to 10:30 pm, at the SENAI Fundação Zerrenner facilities in Sete Lagoas/MG. Certification is provided by SENAI – National Industrial Learning Service.


And, to complete the second semester, IDEBRA advances to another Brazilian state, Espírito Santo. In September, the activities will begin with two Logistics Operation Techniques classes, one aimed at Young and Adult audiences and the second for the 50+ public. This second class also represents a historic milestone for IDEBRA, as it represents its first logistics class aimed at the public over 50 years of age, striving to improve skills and re-enter the market.

To date, IDEBRA has provided more than 300 services throughout 2023, reinforcing its commitment to transforming the reality of young people and adults through vocational education in Brazil. The institute is happy to welcome all students and reaffirms its commitment to empowering and inspiring, building paths to a promising future.

IDEBRA is a Civil Society Organization focused on training Brazilian youth since 2005, based in Duque de Caxias/RJ.