The institution continues with a new teaching cycle in Logistics in the state capital

The Institute of Development Hope Brazil (IDEBRA) in partnership with Arca do Saber and the National Service for Industrial Learning (SENAI) open its doors to new students in the professionalizing opportunities. This Monday (August 01st) the inaugural class of the Logistics Operations course was held in São Paulo/SP.

The formation, sponsored by ID Logistics, has two hundred and ten hours of teaching and presents the students with a systemic view of logistics operations. The course is held at Arca do Crescer located in Vila Prudente/SP.

“We’ve been here for a couple of years now, in partnership with Arca, because we believe in the importance of this project, and its influence on the student’s life, their family, and the community that surrounds them” – said Eduardo Pane, IDEBRA’s executive manager. The event was also attended by Géraldine Challe, Manager of Arca do Crescer; Christian Amendola, Pedagogical Coordinator of Arca do Crescer and Ursula Orlando, IDEBRA’s Executive Producer.

In addition to training in Logistics Operations, ARCA also offers courses in Marketing and Sales Assistant, Bakery, Confectionery, Pizza Making, Snack Making, Homemade Cakes, Panettone, Handmade Soap, Learning Laboratory, Google WorkSpace, and Uncomplicate your Business.

IDEBRA is a Civil Society Organization focused on training the Brazilian youth since 2005, based in Duque de Caxias/RJ.