The closing event for classes brings together students, teachers, and the board of ID Logistics and Idebra 

Another knowledge stage was concluded at The Institute of Development Hope Brazil (IDEBRA). This Monday (June 27th) the graduation ceremony of the professional qualification class in Logistics Operator was held, in partnership with the National Service for Industrial Learning (SENAI) and with Arca do Crescer, sponsored by ID Logistics. 

The training, which presents students with a systemic view of logistics operations, had 210 hours of teaching, held between March 7th and June 23th, 2022, at the institute ARCA of Crescer, an IDEBRA partner, in São Paulo.

“It is very clear our role, our social responsibility in the support and training, in the referral of these children. We are very pleased to be here, being a part of this and we will continue. Acting strongly here and in other regions, to expand help and participation towards society.” – Gilberto Silva, ID Logistics’s CEO in Brazil who attended the event together with IDEBRA’s Vice president, Vilson Silva; Arca do Crescer’s President Thais Maximo; and ID Logistics Director of Operations David Charvier. 

It was four intense, challenging months, with a lot of learning, and above all, growth, both professionally and personally. I believe that each one is leaving in a different way from when they came in and the evolution of each one has been remarkable. We share the same journey, learning and growing together. And today, with grateful hearts, we close a new cycle.” Concluded the class speaker, Rayanne de Paula Silva. 

The same event included the graduation of the Bakery classes, in partnership with Lesaffre Brasil and Sales and Marketing Techniques, in partnership with L’Oréal Brasil. 

Do you also want to become a professional? So keep an eye on our social media for upcoming opportunities! 

IDEBRA is a Civil Society Organization focused on training the Brazilian youth since 2005, based in Duque de Caxias/RJ.