IDEBRA amplifies Rio de Janeiro’s professional scene

A new education cycle starts at the Institute of Development Hope Brazil (IDEBRA), located in the city of Duque de Caxias, Rio de Janeiro. The initiative, sponsored by ID Logistics, began on the 26th of May (Thursday). Classes will be taught by the National Service for Commercial Learning (SENAC).

The formation is divided into three courses: Logistics Capacitation, Employability and Labor Market, and Basic Excel.

The Logistical Storage Procedures and Movement of Material course has a workload of forty-two hours, giving students a systemic view of logistics operations, including procedure selection and personal skills that provide better integration into society and the labor market.

With a forty-hour workload, the Employability and Labor Market course provides a sociocultural program for youth and adults for residents of low-wage communities, developing personal skills and vision for the future in society and the job market.

To complete, a basic formation in Excel was included, with a twenty-four-hour workload, destined for creating professional spreadsheets using the main resources of Microsoft Excel.

The course’s total workload is hundred-and-six hours with the certification issued by SENAC. Classes take place, Tuesday to Friday from 1:30 pm till 5 pm, at IDEBRA’s headquarters in Duque de Caxias – RJ from April to June 2022.

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IDEBRA is a Civil Society Organization focused on training the Brazilian youth since 2005, based in Duque de Caxias/RJ.