IDEBRA is celebrating! It is with immense pride that we announce the graduation of the Logistics Classes for the first semester in three of our units: Sete Lagoas/MG, Extrema/MG, and São Paulo/SP. In a ceremony marked by emotion and achievements, our students demonstrated the full potential that quality training can achieve.

Sete Lagoas/MG

On June 28th, 2023, the second group of Logistics Operations graduated as a result of a partnership between ID Logistics and SENAI.

With a total workload of one hundred hours, the course provided graduates with a comprehensive introduction to the job market, focusing on basic concepts of logistics, storage procedures, purchasing management, inventory, and transport management. Students received certification from SENAI, reinforcing the quality and relevance of the training program in the field of Logistics Operations.

The ceremony was attended by Eduardo Pane, executive manager of IDEBRA; Ricardo Abrantes, ID Logistics Site Manager and Mateus Alessandro, manager of the SENAI unit, together with Shirlei and Thais, pedagogues; Silvia, technical supervisor; Izabela Faria, pedagogical analyst, and Pedro Paulo and Leonardo Pires, course instructors.

The event was held at SENAI Zerrenner Foundation, located in Sete Lagoas/MG, and had twenty-nine participants.

São Paulo/SP

On June 29th, in São Paulo, ID Logistics and IDEBRA, in partnership with Arca do Crescer, celebrated the graduation of the fifth group of the Logistics Operators course. This certification, accredited by SENAI and with a workload of 210 hours, provided training for seventeen students this semester. The collaboration with Arca do Crescer, which has already lasted two years, resulted in a total of four classes trained in the area of logistics.

The graduation event was attended by approximately two hundred people and was not limited to the logistics class. In addition to our graduates, another five groups were also certified in the areas of Bakery, Marketing and Sales Assistant, and HR Assistant. Training in logistics also covered important topics such as Applied Informatics and the Behavioral Module, seeking to provide students with a systemic view of logistics operations.

ID Logistics was present at the event, being represented by the Director of Communication, Caroline Apezzatto, by the Legal Manager, Cristiane Gomes, and by the Legal Assistant, Layane Ferreira. In turn, IDEBRA was represented by the Executive Producer, Ursula Orlando, and by the Administrative and Financial Coordinator, Thiago Braga. During the ceremony, Ursula congratulated the students for their achievements and encouraged them to continue learning and specializing, always seeking knowledge, and wishing them success both in their personal and professional lives.

Location: Arca do Crescer – Parque da Mooca, São Paulo.


On July 7th, 2023, in Extrema/MG, the Professional Initiation in Logistics Operations class was successfully graduated, the class came from the partnership between ID Logistics and SENAI. The ceremony took place in the Auditorium of the Pre-School Prof. Lucy Pereira de Lima Zingari, in Vila Rica, and was attended by around fifty people, including graduates, guests, and representatives of partner institutions.

The graduating class consisted of fifteen students who completed the Professional Initiation course in Logistics Operations, the training aimed at introducing them to the job market in this specific area. The course covered basic concepts of logistics, storage procedures, purchasing management, inventory, and transport management, totaling a workload of eighty hours.

The course certification, granted by SENAI, reinforced the quality and relevance of the training offered to students. The partnership for carrying out the course involved SENAI, the Vila Rica Neighborhood Association, and the City Hall of Extrema, demonstrating the joint commitment to professional training in the field of logistics.

The event was attended by specific guests who honored the training, including important personalities such as Ivan Francisco, Director of the State School Odete Valadares; Arnaldo Martins, SENAI Technical Supervisor; Eduardo Pane, Executive Manager of IDEBRA; Thiago Braga, Financial Coordinator of IDEBRA; Sidney Soares Carvalho, Mayor of Extrema; Priscila Alves, representing the Human Resources sector at ID Logistics, and Cristiane Leite, representing the legal sector at ID Logistics.

IDEBRA is a Civil Society Organization focused on training Brazilian youth since 2005, based in Duque de Caxias/RJ