Have you heard the news? IDEBRA is once again innovating to prepare young talent for professional success. Therefore, with great enthusiasm, we announce the launch of the Professional Initiation Course in Administrative Assistant, an unmissable opportunity for anyone seeking to fully develop skills.

With a workload of 80 hours, the training has as its main objective the development of skills to assist in work related to the organizational areas of companies. Participants will be trained to carry out activities relevant to the administrative areas of industries and commercial departments (according to current legislation), internal procedures, technical, environmental, quality and safety, and health at work standards.

The course, a partnership between ID Logistics and the National Service for Industrial Learning (SENAI), takes place at the units in São Paulo/SP and Extrema/MG.

Committed to social transformation through education, the Institute seeks to offer young people in situations of social vulnerability opportunities that enable them to build solid and promising professional careers.

Do you want to be part of the IDEBRA generation? Access the registration forms:

Extrema/MG: https://forms.gle/Lij7sU1bpRUBpK8HA

São Paulo/SP: https://encurtador.com.br/juIV9

IDEBRA is a Civil Society Organization focused on training Brazilian youth since 2005, based in Duque de Caxias/RJ